The Company employs qualified and experienced Personnel as Head of It’s various departments, who have responsibility for the implementation and execution of Contracts and works and fulfillment of such contractual obligations as the company accepts from it’s clients and customers.
The Company employees time to time selected sub-contractors to fulfill specialist activities and services in order to ensure timely completion of works that the company accepts from it’s clients and customers.
a) General Transportation
To provide clients transportation service for various type of transportation, which includes: –
b) Freight Forwarding
Arranging Forwarding of cargoes by Air & Sea, which includes: –
c) Earth Works
d) Hiring of Plant & Earth Moving Equipment
The management is very keen to select only reputed organization to ADSO’s body of clientele and was fortunate being recognized by clients, which includes: –
ADSO have established associations and agency agreements with various International Freight Forwarder, Local and International Equipments rental companies and Civil and other Earth Work Contractors.
With these associations, ADSO has expanded its own capacity and is in a position to meet any large project requirements from ADSO’s clients.
All Quality Assurance Manual and its amendments will be recorded and authorized by the Group Managing Director or Operations Manager.
Each Head of Divisions shall submit for approval changes to this “QUALITY POLICY” to the approving authority and shall from an integral part of this policy.
The approving authority shall control revisions of the “QUALITY POLICY” and all recessions shall be clearly defined.
Timely corrective measures shall be taken to revise the “QUALITY POLICY” to prevent occurance of non-conformities. Such corrective measures shall be documented and will form a part of the “QUALITY POLICY”.
With these associations, ADSO has expanded its own capacity and is in a position to meet any large project requirements from ADSO’s clients.
a) Quality Assurance & Control Policies of ADSO are the practices and procedures which are used within ADSO organization with an objective to ensure that all aspects of it’s operations and services provided to customers are systematically planned and controlled in order to provide and deliver the required services in a most economically and timely manner to ADSO’s clients.
b)The Policy is structured and supported by associated documents such as Method of Statement, Work Instructions, Quality Plans, Safety Procedures, Recruitment Policy Personnel Training, Project Plans and Check lists.
c)This policy is subject to normal copyright laws and as such is the property of ADSO. The content is regarded as private and confidential and may not be reproduced or disclosed without prior written approval of ADSO, Abu Dhabi.
d)A periodical meeting of Senior Management is held to discuss the policy and to make necessary alterations in order to suit the requirements of changes in the market and the policies of ADSO-organization.
e)The company “Quality Policy” objective includes but is not limited to: –
Each department will document it’s own work procedure and work requirements to ensure effectiveness of the “QUALITY POLICY” of the company to provide the best services to the clients.
All ADSO personnel are required to observe and practice the methods and procedures detailed in their “Departmental Work Procedures and Requirements” to ensure cost effective quality services with timely completion of contracts and commitments made by the company to it’s clients.
With these associations, ADSO has expanded its own capacity and is in a position to meet any large project requirements from ADSO’s clients.
ADSO group of Companies was established in 1968 with Head Office in Abu Dhabi and Branches in Dubai, Sharjah, AL AIN , Al Ghuaifat, Al Maziyat and Associated offices in other major Gulf Cities.
Since ADSO’ s establishment, it specialized in providing services to the Oil, Petrochemical, Telecommunication and Power Industry Projects in the region.
From its humble beginning of providing Customs clearance and Freight forwarding services, ADSO has diversified its activities and established itself as one of the trusted name for the various services we provide such as Freight forwarding, Transportation, Cable and pipelaying, Networking, Earth and Civil work, Equipment hire etc.
ADSO Group: Driving Innovation, Delivering Excellence in Abu Dhabi and Beyond
We are confident that with the dedicated team coupled with the experience we have achieved over three decades, we can deliver the required services to our clients on a timely and cost effective manner .
It is our pleasure to present you herewith our Profile for your reference, which we hope will meet with your interest.
Assuring always our best services, we remain at your disposal.