Compliance with Abu Dhabi OSH laws, decrees and legislations, including OSHAD V 3.1 requirements of the Sector Regulatory Authority across transport industry.
Work in a safe and environmentally friendly manner, in accordance with all current applicable laws and requirements of interested parties.
Value human life above all and manage all risks responsibly. We shall not compromise our OSH values for any profit or production.
Make efforts to prevent incident and ill-health and provide all employees with necessary OSH resources and information in order to achieve our ultimate goal zero-incident and ensuring good health & welfare of the employees.
Train personnel in OSH control measures and codes of practice appropriate to the requirements of their duties and location.
Continually improve the OSHMS of the company’s and set, monitor and review OSH targets and objectives and overall OSH performance, including periodic review of the OSH Policy.
All employees shall understand and fully comply with this policy and play their active role in improving our OSH Management System.
Victor Thanikkal
Rev 02 Rev Date: 03.01.2018